OpenCourse: Programming Paradigms / Stanford


Stanford School of Engineering - Stanford Engineering Everywhere

「Programming Paradigms」コースは、スタンフォード大学が公開している講座です。「Programming Methodology」コースと「Programming Abstractions」コースのさらに上級に位置するコースです。


コースについての詳細やハンドアウトなどの関連資料は、「Stanford School of Engineering - Stanford Engineering Everywhere」から参照できます。

Lecture 1 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 1 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Languages and Paradigms Taught - C++ vs. Pure C, Procedural Paradigm vs. Object-Oriented Paradigm
Lecture 2 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 2 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
C/C++ Data Types - Interpretations, Sizes, Bits- How Bytes are Broken Up into Bits
Lecture 3 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 3 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Converting Between Types of Different Sizes and Bit Representations Using Pointers, Little Endian vs. Big Endian
Lecture 4 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 4 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Creating a Generic Swap Function for Data Types of Arbitrary Size
Lecture 5 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 5 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Generic Lsearch - Prototype, Comparison Function, Implementation
Lecture 6 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 6 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Integer Stack Implementation - Constructor and Destructor, Stackpush Implementation
Lecture 7 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 7 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Problems with Ownership of Memory, How Default Implementation of Stackdispose Does Not Free Dynamically Allocated Data
Lecture 8 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 8 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Heap Management - How Information about Allocations are Stored in the Heap
Lecture 9 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 9 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
How a Code Snippet is Translated into Assembly Instructions, Store, Load, and ALU Operations
Lecture 10 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 10 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
More Detail about Activation Records - Layout of Memory During a Function Call
Lecture 11 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 11 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Moving from C Code Generation to C++ Code Generation: Basic Swap Example
Lecture 12 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 12 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Preprocessing Commands - #Define as a Glorified Find and Replace, Preprocessing Macros
Lecture 13 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 13 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Review of Compilation Process of a Simple Program Into a .O File, Effect of Commenting Out a C Standard Library .H File on the Resulting Translation Unit
Lecture 14 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 14 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Example in Which Writing Past the End of Array Causes the Return Address of the Function to be Overwritten
Lecture 15 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 15 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Transitioning from Sequential Programming to Concurrent Programming in the Ticket Sale Example
Lecture 16 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 16 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Review of Semaphore Syntax, Semaphoresignal and Semaphorewait
Lecture 17 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 17 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Review of the Dining Philosopher Problem, Modeling Each Philosopher as a Thread
Lecture 18 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 18 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Guest Lecturer, Setup of the Ice Cream Store Problem, with Customer, Cashier, Clerk, and Manager Threads
Lecture 19 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 19 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Imperative/Procedural Paradigms (C) and Object-Oriented Paradigm(C++), Introduction to the Functional Paradigm (Scheme)
Lecture 20 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 20 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Car-Cdr Recursion Problem that Returns the Sum of Every Element in a List of Integers
Lecture 21 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 21 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Introduction to the Kawa Development Environment: Evaluation of Expressions, Loading Function Definitions From a .Scm File
Lecture 22 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 22 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Writing a Recursive Power Set Function in Scheme
Lecture 23 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 23 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Scheme Memory Model - How Scheme Instructions Synthesize Linked Lists Behind the Scenes and Perform Operations on Them
Lecture 24 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 24 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Overarching Features of Python: Scripting Language, Imperative, Object-Oriented, Functional, More Python Overview - Dynamic Typing, Use of Whitespace and Tabs
Lecture 25 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 25 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Rewriting RSG to Illustrate all Three Paradigms and Lambdas in Python, How Objects Are Implemented in Python
Lecture 26 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 26 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
XML Processing and Python - Two Different XML Processing Models, Example XML Fragment
Lecture 27 | Programming Paradigms Lecture 27 | Programming Paradigms - YouTube
Guest Lecturer: Sasha Rush, Haskell History, Safeguards in Haskell that Avoid Runtime Errors, Expressive Functions in Haskell

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